... From the year 1945 to 1955...After Voldemort killed Hepzibah Smith and blamed her murder on Hokey. He went into hidding, with one of his old class mates, one he met when he was younger, the firts magical kid he ever incounterd, Merrideth Batsblood. Who he found, fancied her; quite much.
flash-back; year 1938. The first night, after the Sorting. In Slytherin Common Room...Voldemort, a young Voldemort.... Tom Riddle, was sitting down, infront of the fireplace. Merrideth, saw this, walked over to him, and sat down, then she spoke. "It's all a bit exciteting isn't it?" she asked, looking into his over-exciteted eyes. He nodded, "Yes, it is." She touched his arm, and a flash of happiness came over him, then he shook her hand off of his, stood up and gave her an akward smile and left. ...
As he lay in his bed to sleep, his thoughts weave in and out of reach. He closes his eye's to think. ..."Merrideth... She is quite beautiful, he thinks. The only one who ever gave me a chance, or who will... I don't know... A smile spreads across his face, and he drifts off to sleep... As the dreams cirle through-out his head.... The first time he met, Merrideth, the first time thier hands touched, the first time she smiled at him and gave him a warm hug...
The years, 1938 - 1945....
Those years werent always easy for Voldemort/Tom Riddle, but luckily he had Merrideth/Mer with him, and she always made him feel somewhat happy, like he belonged....
1942 - June, 2nd
One day in their fifth year, a day before O.W.Ls (Ordinary Wizardering Levels) began, they were in the Great Hall, getting one last cramming seasion in before exams, and Mer leaned in and, without warning to Tom or anyone else in the room, she gave him a kiss. As the lips touched, Mer's eyes shut and Tom wrapped his arms around her waste and the kiss continued.
Tom, who had never kissed anyone before, released himself from her 'death grip'. He smiled and Mer gave him a hug, and said. "I know Tom, I feel the same." Than went back to studying, Tom nodded and continued on studying as well.
Day of O.W.Ls....
Voldedmort is examed on -- History of Magic, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, Arithmacy, Divintion, Ancint Runes, and Herbology.
Merrideth is examed on -- Transfiguration, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Potions, Arithmacy, and Ancint Runes.
...After Fifth year, O.W.Ls being graded, Voldemort joins Merrideth at her family house; The Batsblood Mansion, in Transilviana, London...
There he met her parents, King Vladimer Drake Von Batsblood, and Queen Quinntesa M. Von Batsblood.
They sat and talked for awhile, Voldemort told them of his childhood.... O' and what a retched childhood it was... He his mother was a descendent of Salazar Slytherin. That was all he told them. He did'nt want to soil the name of a good wizard, even if he wasnt one. After he spoke this, Merrideth told her parents that she was in love with Voldemort, of course she did'nt use that name, she said Tom instead, Thomas actually. Voldemort, who was sitting opposite of her, smiled and nodded, letting her, too know that he flet the same way.... This of course being apart of one of his more deveace tricks... Her father got mad, needless to say he did'nt want his daughter meddiling with a low life wizard like Tom, nor, if god-forbid, get married.
Their house elf came in, "Diner is served, My dears." it bowed and showed them into the kitchen. They sat down, and the elf paced them their plates, King Drake got a plate full of potatoes and meatlof, Quenn Quinntesa got a plate full of pig inards; her of course being a vampire. Mer got the same as her mother, and Voldemort got a plate of rost-beaf with raspberry sauce and they each had a bottle of Fire-Blodd Whiskey, and they sat and ate in silents. After diner, they each departed, without another word and went to bed, Voldemort shared a room with Merrideth.
He stayed with her, and her family throughout the summer, and before they went of to school their O.W.L results came...
Ordinary Wizarding Levels :
Pass -
Outstanding (O)
Exceeds Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)
Fail -
Poor (P)
Dreadfull (D)
Troll (T)
Thomas Marvolo Riddle
History of Magic -A-
Potions -O-
Defence Againts the Dark Arts -O-
Trasfiguration -O-
Charms -A-
Arithmacy -P-
Divination -E-
Ancint Runes -E-
Herbolgy -E-
Merrideth Quinn Batsblood
Transfiguration -O-
Divination -E-
Care of Magical Creatures -A-
Charms -A-
Potions -O-
Arithmacy -D-
Ancint Runes -A-
"Bloody brillant." They said to eachother.
...Flash back, desinigrates; Preasent day, year 1946, Voldemort meeting with the Batsblood's, To ask for her hand, (Part of the plan)
"My Lord." He says, with a smile on his face.
King Drake, invites him in, he has no smile on his face. He leads the young Voldemort to a seat in the writing room, and sits down, as does Voldemort. King Drake pured himself a drink, annd eyed Riddle intently. As he drank, Merrideth came bouncing down the stairs, and skidded to a stop as soon as she spotter Riddle, she walked over to him, with a small smile on her face. Riddle nodded to let her know, it was to begin. She nodde back, and pushed her head back towards the cieling, "Mother, dear. Please come downstairs." she shivered slightly, as her mother came from upstairs. As she enterd the room, her smile faded and her words came,"Merrideth, darling. What is it?"
Voldemort and Merrideth looked at eachother, than smiled. Voldemort got up and moved over to Mr. Batsblood, as he did so Merrideth moved over to her mother, they both pulled out their wands, Voldemort pushed King Drake towards the wall, and spoke, "I'm sorry, My Lord. But, you see it must be done." as the King was about to yell, Voldemort mutterd those two terrible words.
"Avada Kedavra!!!" A get of sparkinling green light floo out of his wand and hit Mr. Batsblood in the chest, his curpse fell ridgidly to the floor. Voldemort looked over to Merrideth, and she too, spoke those two terrible words, her mother's curpse joined her husbands on the floor. As she put her wand inside her cloak pocket, Mandy, the house elf come pouncing into the room, Voldemort quickly strode over to 'it' and with a swift motion of his wand he mutterd. "Oblivate." At the elf, and shorly he meant for it to smart-much, the elf, floo across the room, and Merrideth, moved some pilows for 'it' to land on. She fell atop them, and as she did, Voldemort and Merrideth left.
After the Batsblood murder's, Voldemort and Merrideth both went, to their secret hidding place... "Black-Heart Manor." Of course, I'm not telling you how to get there. It would result in your death, that and I just wish not too.
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